study bacteria
while tweeting?
treat childhood cancer
while watching a video?
cure Zika
while listening to music?
treat HIV/AIDS
while posting a status update?
They’re searching the microscopic world for answers to our biggest problems, but it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why many use computer simulations to point them in the right direction, just as explorers rely on maps to find their way.
Finding answers is tough, and without more computers, doing scientific research can be a bit like exploring with an incomplete mapWith the power of World Community Grid, researchers have...
...identified new drug candidates in the fight against neuroblastoma - a childhood cancer.
...discovered how nanotechnology could help provide clean water to millions.
...discovered new compounds for harnessing solar power.
Your device could help...
...understand how the bacteria in our bodies may help cause disease.
Researchers are using World Community Grid for a comprehensive study of the human microbiome, the trillions of bacteria in and all over our bodies.
Join NowYour device could help...
...find better ways to detect and treat cancer.
Two research groups are using World Community Grid to fight some of the most common and deadly types of cancer in adults and children.
Join NowYour device could help...
...fight the Zika virus.
Through an international collaboration, researchers are looking for drugs to combat the Zika virus, which can cause severe neurological problems.
Join NowYour device could help...
...fight tuberculosis (TB).
Researchers are building an understanding of the TB bacteria's defenses, to help overcome one of the world's deadliest diseases.
Join NowYour device could help...
...identify more effective HIV/AIDS treatments.
Researchers are searching for new antiviral drugs to control the progression of HIV, prevent the onset of AIDS and prolong life.
Join NowIt won't slow you down.
Our software monitors your device’s performance, so whatever you are doing on your device, it stays out of the way.
It won't drain your battery.
By default, World Community Grid only runs when you’re connected to power.
As a volunteer, you’re totally protected.
Your personal information will never be shared.
The software cannot access your personal files.
Security experts constantly test the system for vulnerabilities to the latest threats.
It won't use up your mobile data plan.
World Community Grid only downloads research tasks and uploads results when you’re connected to a wireless network.
...your device could have analyzed
for the Mapping Cancer Markers project.
Join now and start helping todayImage of researcher by Lucas Vasques on unsplash.com
Photo of climber by Jackson Hendry on unsplash.com
Icons in section 3 made by Lucy G from flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Background image of DNA Designed by Freepik
Image of happy child by MI PHAM via unsplash.com
Image of water splash by Amritanshu Sikdar via unsplash.com
Image of solar array by American Public Power Association via unsplash.com
Bacteria icon designed by Voysla on flaticon.com
Ribbon icon designed by Freepik on flaticon.com
Mosquito icon by Freepik on flaticon.com
Lungs icon by Roundicons on flaticon.com
Virus icon by Freepik on flaticon.com
Cholera background image by Sanofi Pasteur on Flickr
Mosquito background image by Adam Hilliker on Flickr
Drugs background image by @qimono on pixabay.com
Girl in hospital background image by @rubenperez on Flickr
HIV/AIDS ribbon background image by World Bank on Flickr
CPU icon designed by Becris on flaticon.com
Laptop with battery icon designed by Freepik on flaticon.com
Locked file folder icon designed by Freepik on flaticon.com
Smartphone-with-wifi icon designed by Freepik on flaticon.com
24-hour clock icon designed by Freepik on flaticon.com